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Drama and Theatre fosters an enthusiasm for and a critical appreciation of the dramatic arts through the means of a performance or production-based route. It develops an understanding and appreciation of the significance of social, cultural and historical influences on the development of drama and theatre.

Students will explore practitioners and their contribution to theatre, as well as the connections between theory and practice demonstrated through a range of forms, genres and performance styles.


AS Level (year 1)

The AS Level is assessed via two exams, (one practical and one written) at the end of the course. These are designed to test students’ abilities across a range of disciplines.

Unit 1: Theatre Workshop (internally assessed)
Students can choose to be assessed on either acting or design. Students will create, develop and perform a piece of theatre based on a reinterpretation of an extract from a text, using the ideas of a theatre practitioner or theatre company. Students must also complete a Creative Log and a written evaluation as coursework.

Unit 2: Text in Theatre (1.5hr written exam)
Practical exploration and analysis of one set text, with essay-based assessment. Students are given the opportunity to see as much live theatre as possible and are required to refer to this in their responses to the set text.

A2 Level (year 2)

Unit 3: Text in Action (examined in front of live audience and WJEC examiner)
This unit consists of two practical performances based upon a response to a given theme, the performance will include; scenes or extracts from a given text and a group devised piece, followed by a written process and evaluation.

Unit 4: Text in Performance (2.5hr written exam)
Students are assessed on their ability to analyse two set texts from the point of view of an actor, director and production designer. They will also be required to refer to live theatre productions that they have experienced during the course.

What Next?

This qualification gives learners the high-level skills of research, analysis and evaluation required to study Drama and Theatre studies at Higher Education level. It works well with most subjects but is an ideal or joint companion to English. Students also use this as a firm basis to apply to and audition for drama schools.


Entry Requirements

6 GCSEs A* – C, including English Language and Drama. Alternatively, a Merit in BTEC Level 2 Performing Arts.

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