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What is Welsh Bacc?

All level 3 students study the Welsh Baccalaureate within the pastoral programme.

At Level 3, the Welsh Baccalaureate is graded A* – E and is worth up to 56 UCAS points. Students participate in four challenges over a two year period. These challenges include: the Enterprise and Employability Challenge, the Global Citizenship Challenge, the Community Participation Challenge and an Individual Project.


The Enterprise and Employability challenge requires the development of a business idea and proposal, and with final proposals illustrated in a visual display and pitched to a panel.

The purpose of the Enterprise and Employability Challenge is to develop learners’ skills, whilst providing opportunities for learners to develop enterprising skills and attributes and enhance employability. During the Enterprise and Employability Challenge learners will explicitly develop skills in Digital Literacy, Creativity and Innovation and Personal Effectiveness and apply them in an appropriate manner.

In today’s world it will be desirable for the learner to develop an enterprise mind-set which can enhance employability prospects. In this Challenge learners will have the opportunity to create and implement innovative ideas based on meeting the needs of customers and/or businesses by developing a product or service. This can be achieved and enhanced by following an enterprise process which includes liaising with employers and interacting with successful local entrepreneurs. This challenge will enhance employability by enabling learners to be more opportunity-focussed, self-aware and attuned to the business environment.

The Global Citizenship Challenge requires learners to respond to a global issue by raising awareness of the issue to a defined audience in a creative and innovative way.

The purpose of the Global Citizenship Challenge is to develop learners’ skills, whilst providing opportunities to understand and respond appropriately to global issues. During the Global Citizenship Challenge learners will explicitly develop skills of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving and Creativity and Innovation and apply them in an appropriate manner.

A global citizen is aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens of Wales and the wider world. They have an interest, enthusiasm for and understanding of global issues. A global citizen respects and values equality, diversity, tolerance and sustainability.

The Community Challenge will provide learners with the opportunity to select an activity from one of the following community themes:

  • Social/welfare
  • Neighbourhood enhancement
  • Coaching

Learners will plan and organise the activity either as an individual or in a team (consisting of 3-6 members). 30 hours must then be spent directly carrying out the activity with or in the local community. On completion of the Challenge the learner must carry out a reflection of their personal effectiveness.

The purpose of the Community Challenge is to develop learners’ skills, whilst encouraging learners to identify, develop and participate in opportunities that will benefit the local community. During the Community Challenge learners will explicitly develop skills of Planning and Organisation and Personal Effectiveness and apply them in an appropriate manner.

Today’s learners need to be aware of the challenges and opportunities they may meet on a personal level in their local community: school, the local area, the nearest village, town or city. Learners will focus on real-life concerns and needs through activities which aim to make a difference in the community. The Community Challenge should provide experiences that help young people understand what it means to be an active citizen. The challenge should enable them to develop as effective and responsible members of their local community.

The purpose of the Individual Project is to develop learners’ skills, through carrying out a research activity in an area of personal interest or one that reflects future educational or career aspirations. During the Individual Project learners will explicitly develop skills in Digital Literacy, Planning and Organisation and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving and apply them in an appropriate manner.

The Individual Project must be completed and submitted as either a written report or an artefact/product supported by written evidence. There are a wide range of possibilities that can be chosen as a focus for the Individual Project and learners are encouraged to consider an area that is of personal interest to them, or reflects their aspirations in terms of education or career. To undertake and complete an Individual Project, students need to develop and use a wide range of appropriate skills. Students will recognise the importance of research and making informed decisions. Students are encouraged to find, analyse, communicate and use information to solve complex problems. Students have the opportunity to show originality, progressiveness and to exercise personal responsibility.